• I attended TMS, for my primary education. As a small child, I always liked to work with my hands and the Montessori classroom was the perfect place for me. Everything I needed to learn, I had to touch! I especially enjoyed working in the outside patio areas, painting, hammering, gardening, and feeding the animals. In the classroom we were allowed to prepare our own food. We had peanut peeling, carrot cutting, potatoes cutting etc. Celebrating every holiday was also a special treat for us. International Children's Day, Christmas, Chinese New Year, Thanksgiving, and other cultural events. I was proud to know about many different cultures. Tempe Montessori empowered me to broaden my horizons and challenge myself; because of this, I became confident in my work, myself, and my convictions. I remain and still am driven to complete my goals and continue to grow and learn every day. After high school, I attended Arizona Culinary Art Institute. This had the same hands on learning environment I had as a child and I flourished. Today I am the executive Chef at The Wrigley Mansion. I am proud to say I went to TMS, and the education I received here.

  • TMS, has given me one of the best experiences of my life. My favorite part of school was doing research on animals, reptiles, amphibians, etc. Having a live barn yard and the ability to see the animals in person helped me to learn not only to care for animals but the importance of them. I have been given many opportunities to study different types of life species. I attended many of the class trips to Mexico and was allowed to study sea life. I was able to study zoology on my fieldtrips to the zoo and create many habitats for the animals that are still at TMS today. I was part of the group that dug and constructed the pond area.

    Not only did TMS foster my knowledge for animals, it allowed me to follow a path that I needed. I was able to study as much as I wanted and to be independent of my friends. I was able to maximize of my strengths. Now I wish to study in a reptilian veterinarian school.

    I will always be appreciative of TMS, and my teachers. I believe that because of the open learning environment, and the ability to choose my own work, !Iearned to be independent, self directed and intrinsically motivated.

  • I attended TMS from the time I was potty trained at about 30 months old till the end of 4th grade. I have so many fond memories of TMS and still have a good percentage of my dreams at that school with my friends and teachers. I remember playing Baracade during recess (a capture and release game we all created and played for years there), International Children's Day, Halloween Party (Fall Festival), Graduation Ceremonies, School Pictures and the Luau for Parents. In class I remember My Record Book (which I still have), learning German (fluently, and translating nursery rhymes and stories), being able to choose my own projects and work to do (my favorite reports were Spiders and Trains), and Atrium Class. I loved going on our nature walks to the park. Seeing all the things in nature that we learned about was just amazing. I often fondly think of all of my teachers; Ms. Dorothy, Ms. Paula, Ms. Irma, Ms. Nazli, Ms. Nilo, and Ms. Pamela. It's amazing how I can remember each of them but can't remember more than 4 teachers by name from 5th grade on. Each of them was an essential part of my growth and development. I distinctly remember one particular day in Primary. I learned how to do an activity that taught me language using cards laid out on the floor. I did an amazing job, of course, and was able to bring the elementary class in to see my work and check it. This was huge and such a big deal for me I was just overjoyed. It was all correct. I felt so proud of myself and knew that I could do anything I wanted to. Going to TMS gave me the independence, skill, confidence, and self-satisfaction to grow into the woman I am today.