Dr. Montessori’s Birthday

On August 31, 1870, Maria Montessori was born in Chiaravalle, Italy. Today, and every day, we acknowledge and honor her role in advancing education, her deep research, conveyance, and advocacy of children’s rights, and her role in promoting peace and social justice. Her mission continues to advance across the globe through thousands of students working in Montessori classrooms. She believed that through the child, we can create a better world. The common thread Montessorians continue to share is the absolute, unassailable belief in the goodness of every child born.

Happy Birthday, Dr. Maria Montessori!

We invite our families to consider deepening their understanding of the vastness of Montessori education by providing recommended reading, blogs, and podcasts:


Montessori at Home


Director Spotlight: Lauren L. Bolar