International Peace Day
On Wednesday, September 21st, our community will be celebrating the International Day of Peace, also known as Peace Day! Peace Education is a major aspect of Montessori education, the opportunity to honor and reflect upon the importance of peace is one we feel lucky to share. From the earliest ages, our students learn to think globally about humanity and our place in the entire system of our planet. From lessons in Grace and Courtesy to Peace Tables and cultural studies, Peace essentially becomes a habit that our Montessori students acquire. Peaceful communication is our lexicon. Montessori children are constantly practicing how to view and treat others with respect. Peace is an amazing concept, a useful tool, and through Montessori education, an attainable goal; one worth celebrating and giving serious consideration to.
Peace Day Happenings at TMS:
Our internal community (students and staff) will join together on the field to form a giant human peace sign and sing Light a Candle for Peace and Peace Like a River. We invite our families to practice singing these songs with your children at home.
We ask that all students and staff wear a WHITE T-SHIRT on Peace Day!
Stop by our photo booths outside during arrival or dismissal to capture family photos and be sure to tag @tempemontessori on social media.
Elementary students will decorate the exterior campus with peacemaker research and art projects. Be sure to check them out!
“Let’s unite, teachers and pupils alike. We all have to commit unanimously to a common and noble goal: to serve humanity.”
We’re on the map!
“On September 21st, Montessori schools all over the world will sing for peace. The song travels from the eastern shores of New Zealand to the western shores of Hawaii. From country to country, city to city, children take a few moments on this special Internation Day of Peace to remember the world needs peace more than ever! Join us and help spread the message to light a candle for peace, for love, for life!”