We believe in school choice.
Tempe Montessori School strives to serve all children across the valley. We want Montessori for all children.
Scholarships for ages 5 and up.
To offset tuition for children Kindergarten through Sixth Grade, parents are encouraged to apply for Arizona Tax Scholarship Programs. Click on the logos below to learn more about these organizations:
Scholarship information for children 4 and younger.
Seed Money for Growth is a program established via the Maria Reed Foundation. Maria Reed was a Montessori Teacher and believed in providing a Montessori Education for as many young children as possible. Children must be enrolled before they can apply for SMFG scholarships. Applications go out in the Spring and funds are awarded during summer months.
TEMPO Scholarships. TEMPO provides scholarships for children under 5. TEMPO Scholarship awards are based on family eligibility. Children must be enrolled to apply for TEMPO Scholarships.